
We Believe in People

Our Purpose

At BoviTrac International, LLC, we believe in giving back and working to enrich the communities we serve. To do this, we are dedicated to giving ten percent of all revenues to the BoviTrac Foundation.

We believe that people are our greatest resource and that we should do what we can to enhance the lives of others. Sometimes that means helping out our neighbors or community, and other times it means helping others across the globe.

We Believe in Serving Others

“If a better society is to be built, one that is more just and more loving, one that provides greater creative opportunity for its people, then the most open course is to raise both the capacity to serve and the very performance as [a] servant…”

– Robert Greenleaf

In order to fulfill our calling of service, we have decided to focus on three areas that we are passionate about where we feel we can make a difference.

Our Focus

Agricultural Development and Food Insecurity

With the global population rising and expected to reach 9 billion people by 2050, we are determined to aid in the development of agricultural communities around the world. Our goal is to support agricultural communities, provide resources and tools necessary for agricultural advancement, and provide resources to hungry populations while working to curb food insecurity worldwide. As multi-generation agriculturalists, we are passionate about ensuring the agricultural industry remains vibrant, providing the food, fiber and fuel to consumers worldwide while uplifting economies and communities.

Proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ

‘He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Mark 16:15

It is our goal to partner with local churches and ministry partners to bring the life-giving power of Jesus to the lost and suffering. We also seek to actively engage in activities that will glorify God and fulfill His purposes for our world. Our goal is to utilize our platform to be the hands and feet of Jesus. 

Supporting Economic Advancement

Economic growth can uplift communities and provide opportunities to diverse groups of people. Our goal is to help individuals and groups pursue business and community endeavors, promote democracy and economic empowerment to diverse populations, and work to enrich communities in a variety of facets including, but not limited to: economic stability, entrepreneurship, health and wellness, etc., in order to improve the quality of life to the many communities that we serve.

We Believe in Enriching Communities Worldwide

Learn more about BoviTrac International, LLC

BoviTrac International, LLC works with cattlemen worldwide in obtaining genetic analysis of their commercial and crossbred cattle. With the data that we will be able to offer cattlemen, you will be empowered to “see beneath the skin” to evaluate an animal genetically, and to make selection, mating, marketing, and management decisions that will best position your operation to increase profit and efficiency.

To learn more about BoviTrac International, LLC, visit our website:

We Believe in Giving